Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

When was Operation Code founded?
How was Operation Code founded?
Is Operation Code a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization?
Where is Operation Code based? Do you have a location near me?
Who does Operation Code serve?
What do I need to start learning software development and how much is this going to cost?
What is available to start learning to code today?
Are mentors available? If so, how do I request one?

Donation Questions

I would rather mail a check. To whom do I make it out and where do I send it?
When will I receive a receipt for my contribution?
What percentage of my donation goes directly to helping the military community?
Can I donate items as gift in-kind?
I'd like to donate my software conference pass to an Operation Code member. How do I do that?
What is AmazonSmile and how can buying at Amazon help Operation Code?

Volunteer Questions

What volunteer opportunities are there at Operation Code?